Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fireflight, Williams and His Beautiful Woman & Winter Jam Tour

December 29th, 2009: Momma-T (aka...My Beautiful Woman), are on our way to Louisville, KY! Did I mention I have been reCALLED by God (Yes...God called me...His voice was undeniable...I mean, you can hear Him right? If you can't let me know and I'll try to help!) and the ROCK BAND "Fireflight" to drive their bus for yet another tour? This time it's The Winter Jam Tour! Forty-five cites throughout central and eastern United States...beginning January 8th! No...Momma-T has not quit teaching "yet"...and she will only be on the bus December 29th, 2009 through January 2nd, 2010; however, she was very interested in catching a glimpse at what my life as her husband (the "Rock-N-Roll Roadie), is really like! So with the tour not beginning until January 8th, you might be wondering (wonder is a very cool thing to do...and I'm convinced many have ceased this necessary and God ordained exercise of their mind), why did you leave so soon! Well...let me explain! Fireflight is scheduled to play a Youth Conference in Louisville on December, 30th and another Youth Conference/New Year's Eve Party at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, on December 31, 2009, with a number of other bands including Skillet...OH YEAH! So...as we hit the Interstate out of Florida, the skies are extremely clear and the temperature is almost perfect...mid 50's! This would not be the case for long though! Fireflight blew off the cob webs in Louisville, after only playing a few International Shows (Finland and Germany), since the fall season Hope Tour! The weather is overcast and in the mid 30's...but nothing like what we were headed for! The road trip from Louisville to Lynchburg was extremely nerve racking...snow, ice, snow, ice, snow, ice...did I say snow, ice? What should have taken 8 hours took approximately 12...and I was exhausted! Momma-T spent a large percentage of the time keeping me company and I had to wake her up to enjoy the slow unveiling daylight...as the scenery was unquestionably beautiful! There are only two ways you might not have enjoyed this part of Creation...1) if you have never given credit to the truth that it was created by a Creator when He spoke it into existence...or 2) you are in such a negative state of being you miss it! Truly, the invisible God of Love (YAHWEH), is the only one who could have created these majestic moments! Momma-T's description is probably closer to what it was really like...so here it is...she titled it "Journey"...

"Awoke this a.m. around 8 with Les (driving the tour bus) saying "Oh sssshhhh! This ice and snow is no fun to drive in!" I rolled off the couch I was sleeping on to see a world of white with only chocolate covered toothpicks with arms reaching up to the heavens...branches laden with layers of what joyfully appeared as if cotton balls had been carefully placed out to the very tip of each. The only vibrant colors to be seen were the occasional green, yellow, or blue road signs...and must I say a passing vehicle or two in various shades of the rainbow. The sun poked its glimmering face through the clouds above, ever so briefly and has since hidden itself again. It's been fun, but this is my last day and evening with Les and Fireflight. Once New Year's comes in, I will then begin my journey home with Nate, Amanda, and the teens. God has blessed us the whole way so far...awesome God He is!! Love to you all!!! Tres, T, Momma T. (call me what you will) Oh my Gosh....can't forget Aunt T.....Jamie, you will slap me again if I do!!!"

Bus drivers get hotels...so upon arrival in Lynchburg, Momma-T and I took off for the hotel! I took a nap while she ironed (you know she's gotta look ironed...lol), and did some computer related stuff! We met with Nate, Amanda & their unborn gift, Dani, Kinsey, Sarah, and Paige at the venue as they had made a special trip to see the show and let the girls preview the Liberty Campus! We watched Fireflight and then Skillet bring in 2010 with an extremely cool pyro show! Although we rocked in 2010, I vividly remember the first word I spoke in 2010 in my mind was "Jesus!" I'm not sure why I desired that to be the first word I constructed in my mind this year, other than John Cooper of Skillet was basically preaching about this world's need for Him, but that's what I conscientiously remember having a desire to do! One other very cool experience for me was while some of the other bands were playing, Coop and Company (Skillet), came on board our bus and sat and listened to Fireflight's entire new record which has since released! It was kinda surreal for me to be sitting in a casual living room setting with two of my favorite ROCK BANDS! I'll say no more for fear I might be rubbing it in...oh but wait...it was FREAKING awesome! Momma-T and I said a teary good-bye the next morning and we (Fireflight and I), headed for Nashville!

Once in Nashville, Fireflight completed two new music videos for songs "Desperate" and the title track for the new record "For Those Who Wait!" This was another extremely cool and educational experience for me to be able to observe the filming of both videos! Each video will rock, but for me, the video "For Those Who Wait" is gonna be extremely cool as it was filmed at an old Nashville train station! After the video shoots, Fireflight put in some rehearsal time for the rapidly approaching Winter Jam Tour!

Our first of the forty-five cites on the tour, a short trip to Chattanooga, TN! Since then we have done 23 shows in AL, FL, GA, IA, IL, MO, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, and VA...with 22 shows remaining in AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MI, MS, OK, TX, and VA! Tickets are $10, at door only...and are 1st come 1st serve! Some shows have sold out with as many as 800-1000 people turned away at one show by the Fire Marshall! All of the venues on this tour are indoors and are in either sports arenas or large civic centers which range in seating capacity from 4,000 to 25,000. FYI...Winter Jam is the largest Christian Tour in the U.S. This year there are three semi-tractor trailers (loaded and unloaded daily with all the production equipment: stage, audio, and lighting), and eight very large touring buses (like the one I drive), many with trailers (like the one I tow)! The total number of personnel, including band members, truck drivers, bus drivers, stage setup/breakdown personnel, road Pastor, tour Pastor, and more...is over 120. When you see the final product, I can only characterize the entire tour process as artwork!

HEY...I said HEY! If you haven't purchased one or more of Fireflight's new record "For Those Who Wait" which released February 9, 2010, shame on you...you are missing the next "Rock Album Of The Year!" Seriously...it's their best yet...it totally ROCKS...it has ENORMOUS ministry potential, and you can get it on iTunes for $6.99!

So, we are now just over half-way through the tour and I have been privileged to a number of blog worthy experiences which include the opportunity to hang out, worship, and eat meals with music artists I have followed and respected for years! The bands/artists on this tour are Third Day, Newsboys, Fireflight, Tenth Avenue North, Sidewalk Prophets, Newsong, Revive, and Robert Pierre! Sunday mornings we are provided with the opportunity to attend a Tour Jam Church Service which includes music related worship led by the touring band members! A few more highlights include: beautiful scenery of Creation while driving the bus, a complimentary trip to the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH, a chance to have a conversation with former front man of the Newsboys Peter Furler and his wife Summer...daughter of whom some consider the music legend Mylon Le Fevre! The reality...musicians/artists like Peter are people just like you and me...who are on the same spiritual journey that we are...including significant battles while attempting to discover and fulfill what God has destined for their lives! Another very cool experience was something I have wished for...for a long time...and that was to meet TobyMac's 11 year old son, Truett (aka: Tru-dog)! Well...mark that one off the bucket-list...as last Sunday night the tour played in Nashville and Toby came to sing the song Jesus Freak (another cool experience), with now front man of the Newsboys Michael Tait! So, just before Toby went on, he was backstage with Tru-dog and I had the opportunity to say hello and shake Tru-dog's hand! I told him I really like his stuff! He thanked me! One last...very cool experience (blessing), I have been privileged to while on the road is to be a part of the Fireflight Family! I believe, for this time, God has called me to serve them, encourage them, believe in what they are doing with their lives, and love them! It is so cool to hear stories of lives being influenced and inspired by their ministry! This calling has also led me to search out a local Church (group of followers of Jesus), that the band might be involved with while they are in the Nashville area for brief periods of time while on tour! The search was not without effort but I honestly believe to be much more God directed than Les directed! The Church I was led to is called Journey Church of Franklin, TN, and is Pastored by a young man by the name of Jamie George. I have listened to twenty plus of his pod casts and am convinced God has his fingerprints all over his ministry! I highly recommend you check out the website at www.journeyfranklin.com and read the Philosophy Section under the drop down titled Communication and tell me what you think! I also highly recommend you listen to the pod casts which you can find on iTunes under Jamie George or Journey Church. Seriously, this young man gets it!

Well...I suppose this is more than enough for one blog...and for the length of it I sincerely apologize...maybe I won't wait so long next time! Until then...PLEASE continue to pray for Fireflight's Ministry and my ability as their bus driver to keep them safe, serve them, encourage them, believe in them and love them! Also, PLEASE pray for Momma-T, my family and my friends I am separated from for this period of time!

I miss you...I love you...and last but not least...live out the mystery of your faith by loving everyone, even your enemies, unconditionally! I dare you!

Williams out!


Blogger Michelle said...

Wow super long post. I gotta come back and read the second half. Thanks for sharing

February 26, 2010 at 10:06 AM  

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